Vinod More : a' painter

Talk to me on 9892291544 or write to

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hi Guys, back with Monsoon series.....
hope u find it interesting.... Thanks


NePaul Wilson said...

Where have you been hiding at bro? I've been waiting to see an update from you since like, FOREVER.

Anyways, now that's here look at this beautiful piece of wonder you've created. I think what's most impressive about this kind of work you do is not the big things, it's the very small detail that sticks out such as the designs on the pillar, the small blades of grass, the comparssion of the giant stone lily pads to the actual small lotus plants.

This is just a great update from you. Indeed way to bring it back.

VINOD MORE said...

Hi Wilson, sorry for me being lost in time... but ur reply is so refreshing; will get me back on the tracks... actually we have shifted our office to new place, increasing my travel time. so it took me some time to adjust it... but as im back... will c more of me sure... thanks to u anuz for last reply on OUATM, C U again...

Klaudia J said...

great colours and shapes! Fantastic shot, VINOD!
ahoj ;)