Vinod More : a' painter

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

photoshop watercolor 001

trying to get watercolor in photoshop.


Federico Distefano said...

Very beautiful works, compliments!

Padma said...

Very beautiful work. Like them all


florent said...

all of your pictures are very very great.I love your watercolors (both digital and traditionnal )too .

so happy to have discovered your place.

VINOD MORE said...

hi friends, nice to hear from u ppl Federico, Padma, Florent. i will be bringing more n more stuff for guys to visit. i love ppl getting happy to c my work. its really grt feeling. Thanks.


hey this is cool .it look like traditionnal .

Ashoo said...

hi .. nice work here.. at times it looks exactly like watercolors & at places its not .. esp the coconut trees brush & some hard brushes youve used... A good try to go towards the manual feel !.. keep going..

Shyam S. Deshpande said...

Good stuff i must stay! Keep up the good work Vinod :)


i like ur style

Gulzar said...

Heard a lot about you thru my colleague Sachin, ( the sculpt guy ) I had a chance to see your blog ages back...and once again am here now!

I digg your work...keep it up! Really impressive and something really different from what everyone is doing here in the local industry in India.

I digg all the artists who think and execute things far from the local ideas...

Will come back for more Vinod.

All the best.


Shishir Naik said...

Hi Vinod,...Thank you for your comment. Fantastic work on your blog. You have mastery on digital aswell traditional medias.
I prefer not to put project work on my blog due to copyrights, legal matters regarding producers, production houses.

Sumeet Surve said...

Thanks Vinod for stopping by man. Great work on ur blog as well. Keep rocking.....

milind said...

hi vinod
thnx for stopping by ,sure i remember you stuff you got here.

dipak said...

sahi hai mitra dhmal kam aahe

Unknown said...

sweet stuff vinod
this one is really succesfull in the watercolor effect

arun said...

amazing art work sir ..
cool blendings!

lostinarc said...

Speechless....friend i love this art work so much....and thanks for the comment on my blog..keep up

भोवरा said...

भन्नाट!!! कोकणाची आठवण आली रे