I am very glad that, CGGALLERY has announced it's second challenge-THE CONTROL OF NATURE, on thought related to 'It's a new world' to win prizes and gain world wide exposure.
here you have something to say.. comment and review on CG TALK
this is something right from bottom of my heart.. this concept was in my mind for more than 4 months, even once i started to work but cud'nt make to final. then suddenly 2 days back i saw clear image in my mind and just went on with that. every thing is almost painted except few plugs. i tried to get keyboard ready made but cud'nt get anything matching to my view, so that also painted manually. some where around 30 hrs, 2 days and a night, finished in one stretch. hummmm.. that's it, please feel free to comments.
terrific stuff dude! great goin
Such beautiful work from an equally beautiful mind. I absolutely can't wait to see more!
This is a very strong concept !.. wish to see more stuff from this ine of thought..! gr8 going .. keep it up !..cheers
what a magical idea, this is lovely!
thanx D, jellyfish.ashoo, terrica.
i m trying to put in more time for creative stuff. it is just lil difficult to find time for things that u love most... will be back with new stuff keep visiting..
Great concept there Vinod and an even better execution! Liked your portfolio too. Keep posting them.
yo yo yo
Cool!!!I though about it too
Very cool! Well executed, both conceptually and technically.
your executed concept..& lovely painting....
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